In order to maximise relevance to the participants’ field of work, workshops are offered on a single company basis and held either in-company or at hotel workshop facilities. Options exist to tailor seminars to meet specific company needs e.g. hotel reception / reservations staff, pharmaceutical contract negotiations. Potential participants receive pre-seminar testing, while successful completion is rewarded with a certificate.
We’ll be happy to discuss your individual needs and prepare workshops tuned to your company. Please contact us for a free workshop quote:
Please see below for a list of the workshops we regularly offer:
- Advanced Presenting for Professionals
- Argumentation & Negotiation
- Presenting for Professionals
- Effektives Telefonieren in englischer Sprache
- Effektives Führen von Geschäftsverhandlungen in englischer Sprache
- Effektive Präsentationen in englischer Sprache
- Beschwerdemanagement in englischer Sprache
- Meetings & Diskussionen in englischer Sprache
- PowerPoint Basisseminar*
- Master your Message Seminar*
- Effective Email Writing Workshop*
- Mind Mapping®, Memory and Speed Reading*
* In cooperation with carefully selected partners.